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0 - This is an 18+ community
Rogue Star is an 18+ community for adults only. There is zero tolerance for breaking this rule. If you know someone is underage and fail to report them, you are also breaking this rule, because underage individuals are a liability for us all.
Additionally, you are not allowed to play characters under 18 years of age or who are otherwise not adults.
1 - Act like an adult
We are all adults here, and should act like it. No one wants to deal with childish behavior. You are expected to be able to act with a level head in discussions and disagreements, and when you get heated, you are expected to be able to disengage and cool down. Acting like an adult involves recognizing when you are becoming unreasonable and taking care of yourself.
2 - Cooperate with staff
If staff tell you to do or not do something, listen even if you disagree. If you think they mishandled the situation, take a few minutes to cool off and make a modmail or otherwise raise your complaints to the team leaders and we will investigate it.
If you are having any kind of problem, adminhelp in a timely manner. We don’t see everything and we can’t retroactively fix a problem. It is better for us to unnecessarily investigate issues you are concerned about than have legitimate complaints pass undetected until it is days later and the issue is too stale to adjudicate.
3 - Don't be a dick
Try your best to be polite and courteous with others where you can, and if you can't, then avoid engaging any more than necessary. Never deliberately antagonize a person or needlessly escalate a situation.
4 - Preferences are law when it comes to ERP, and must be respected
When in doubt, ask! Likewise, if someone is stepping on or over your boundaries, speak up OOCly. If you are intending to approach someone for ERP related things, you must familiarize yourself with their OOC notes/preferences. We all make mistakes from time to time, but if someone OOCly expresses discomfort with your approach for any reason, you must disengage immediately. If you can work out the differences OOCly, then you may continue, but if someone isn't interested, do not push the issue.
As an extra aside, this rule applies broadly to situations where someone might be obligated to get involved. If you are doing an unwilling scene, and you call for help, you are inviting everyone who can hear you to get involved, and may be violating their preferences. It's fine if you ask someone you know will be into it, but don't involve the whole server.
5 - Vore ERP preference is mandatory
The presence of people who are not into one of the primary themes of the server waters down the pool of people who ARE here for that theme with people they can never engage with in that way.
As such, having some preference for vore themes is mandatory. This is not to say that you must accept any ERP approach that you are uncomfortable with, but if you're not open to some manner of vore ERP, then there are many other places for you to play.
6 - Don't harsh the vibe
If you don't like the vibe of roleplay happening in a location, you can always move somewhere else. Do not bring vibes to a location that will change the vibe of the roleplay.
-If there is a cuddle party happening in the library, you probably shouldn't come in and start a loud unwilling scene
-If there is a loud unwilling scene in the bar, you probably shouldn't start a cuddle party
Further, if someone is doing ERP you don't like, but you want to hang out in that location anyway, you can simply ignore them, and not read their posts. Obviously if they start involving you, or start doing things that you can't reasonably ignore, like screaming for help or throwing gibs everywhere, then they may be in violation of rule 4, or subjected to IC repercussions as appropriate. Presence in a location is not acceptance of ERP approaches.
7 - Play a sane and reasonable character
You should be playing a character that would reasonably be in and survive the setting.
Characters that are employed by the station should speak and understand the common language, and act within the IC laws and rules where they are able to. Your character should generally fit in and be able to hold a job working on or around a high tech retro future space station.
Your character should want to keep their position on the station, and should not be causing problems that would lose it. They should course-correct their behavior if they are frequently endangering it. Your character should stick to the job you selected, and only perform multiple job roles in the same shift as a last resort.
Visitors, interns, redgate characters and the like do not need to know common or be able to hold a job, but like all characters must be played in compliance with rules 3, 4, and 6. Avoid doing massively disruptive things without permission from server staff.
8 - Do not OOCly punish or grudge people
Do not metagrudge people or excessively badmouth them in-character. In-game demotions from other players are for the duration of that round only. Do not attempt to ICly punish people across multiple rounds by demoting or disparaging them for things that happened in previous rounds; if you think someone’s character is acting unbelievably, adminhelp it. Staff will investigate consistently disruptive behavior and decide whether it breaks the rules.
No one should ever be punished either ICly or OOCly for being unavailable to respond to an issue while they are in an ERP/vore scene. Do not grudge people for their vore scenes.
9 - Global rules shape valid IC behaviors
You should play your characters in compliance with global rules. Even if your character would want to break the global rules, you must not. If a character can not be played in a way that complies with the global rules, then you will need to make a different character.
10 - Vore is not illegal
To facilitate vore happening on the vore server, vore is not against any IC rules or regulations. If the other involved players are okay with it, you can pretend it is illegal to open up further vore shenanigans, but generally if no one is screaming for help, just ignore it.
Some suspension of disbelief is required to allow for vore themes to happen and to thrive. There are some mechanics that can get messy. As long as you follow rules 3, 4, and 6, you are not restricted in where you can do these types of scenes.
If you see evidence of vore you don't like, you can OOCly decide you didn't see it. Vore remains have mechanics to facilitate easy clean-up if you find them an eyesore.
Always remember to keep rules 3, 4, and 6 in mind while doing vore scenes. It is being a dick to make a huge mess where you know it is going to make people upset.
11 - Do not metagame
Do not use information gained out of character to influence your in character actions, similarly, do not spread details or images that are important to the current round out of character.
Sharing unimportant images is fine, such as the neat build you made, your pet, a photo of your buddies together, or whatever. If in doubt, wait until the round is over.
12 - Be polite with criticism
This relates to the server itself mostly, BUT ALSO GENERALLY TOO I GUESS. We do this as a hobby, while criticism is generally welcomed, try your best to be nice about it, and as informative as you can. It helps me if I know what the problem you have is, and why you think it is a problem, and any suggestions you might have to make it less of a problem.
Rogue Star SS13 Server
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